Friday, February 20, 2009

A tough first week of hard training!

This was a really tough week of training. I came in well rested since I ended up not being able to run my Saturday session with the group due to a conflict with my flag football coaching duties. But I did a really good Sunday run of 8 miles where each mile I got progressively faster. It felt good to finish the effort at 66 minutes, and means that my distance legs are still there.

Tuesdays session this week was absolutely BRUTAL! 4x200, 4x1000, 4x200. The 200 sets were to be run at a split time of 47 seconds. That's just plain and simple QUICK! And I'll say this, over the entire workout, I was incredibly consistent and hit 47 seconds on the money, every single time. That works out to be a pace of 6:14/mile for each 200m set. My goal times for the 1000m sets was 4:10. I'm not sure where coach came up with that, maybe is was an overestimation, but I didn't hit that mark, and to be honest....I was quite a bit off. I ran every set at 4:17....Consistent, but off of the desired times. However, I will say this, I don't know how I would shave 7 seconds off of my times. That's about 1-2seconds per 200m, and I was really pushing it as it was. But I do feel good that I was at least consistent, and I can use that as a building block.

Thursday was another bear! On paper, 16x1min doesn't look all that bad. But, it's the decreasing rest intervals that will get you. The rests go 60, 45, 30, 15 and then repeat. 60 seconds isn't much...15....your barely turning around before you have to muster the gitty up and go! But, I kept each of these sets consistent and around a 6:51/mile pace. I'm not going to complain.

That was the easy part of the to speak. On Monday, I started the first week of my 100 push ups challenge.

Last Friday I did the initial, how many push ups can I do at one time. This sets your weekly program that will take you to being able to do 100 push ups. After 6 weeks. I managed to get 20 push ups.....We're talking good form, chest all the way to the ground and back up, good push ups. Honestly, that's pretty good for me considering that I have been doing them off and on, nothing real regimented. So week one looks like this in the plan for me:

Mon: 10, 12, 7, 7
Wed: 10, 12, 8, 8
Fri: 11, 15, 9, 9

Wednesday was actually really tough. I was still a bit sore from Monday, but I managed to get them done. Today's will be very interesting. Again, I'm still a touch sore but I think I will be able to bang them out. I'm really looking forward to getting my push ups back to where I can do at least 70 in two minutes like I was able to do when I was in the military at boot camp....16 years ago! I remember being sore back then the first couple of weeks. Just need to get through theh first couple of weeks of soreness and all will be good.

Since that's M, W, F....I had to add something for T, Th, and Sat. Those days will be focused on Sit-Ups and back exercises. This weeks target sit up count is at at 50. Next week, I'll jump that up to 70. When I'm done with the push up challenge, I'll move on to 200 sit-ups, and put the Push Ups in maintenance mode.

Also on the books is a 2 mile time trial tomorrow morning. This will be a fast up tempo effort, that's at a much quicker pace then the 5K effort. My goal....sub 14!!! You'll have to tune in on Monday to see how close I came!!!