Monday, October 11, 2010

BREAKING NEWS!! The Kid is now a Team Beach Body Coach!

That's right boyz and girlz!! The Kid has taken his next big step in fitness. Let me start off by saying one thing. The past 12 months have been absolutely trying with respect to my training regimen. My running got totally derailed back in December when I fractured 3 ribs in a drunken yet tragic pre-game tailgating accident..... And that's how i literally limed into 2010. My original goal was to set forth on a track to run 2010 miles in 2010. Yet again.....Injury stepped in to slap me around. From there, I spent a couple of months not sleeping and barely being able to walk with a menacing lower back problem. When April rolled around, I decided I'd have had enough. While I was at my yearly physical I talked to my doctor about the back problems that I had been suffering through. He referred me to a physical therapy group who, in my opinion, saved my running career. I will say this, there are doctors out there, who are not in support of running. I've had them. They've told me to stop running all together. That's not advice that I'd wish on anyone. My Dr. knows me and knows that I'm not going to be happy unless I'm out there pounding the pavement running, and enjoying a great football game on Sunday. So he paired me with a Physical Therapy group who was like minded. My physical therapist pair were both runners and tri-athletes. To put it mildly, they got it. And together we figured out the mess that was my lower back situation. To put it in laymen terms, my hips were doing the job that my lower back was supposed to be doing. Totally pulling me out of alignment whole my back checked out and took a vacation. was it as a result of my previous injuries. No. Just a culmination of myself NOT doing what needed to be done. In all my running, I had totally forgotten the most important thing along the journey. Strength and Flexibility. I would just run, and do nothing else. And my back had checked out.

Well, after 6 weeks of intense physical therapy, I had finally graduated. It was then when I was introduced to P90X. Nope, I had never seen the infomercials. It was my physical therapist who recommended that I look into it. At that point, because I hadn't been running I had started the balloon syndrome. The sedentary fat boys dun-laps disease was starting to set in. You know.....Where your stomach dun-laps over your belt. So on May 3rd I started my first journey into P90X. And I've never looked back!!!! The thing I found about P90X is that it's put together in such a way that, as long as you put the DVDs in, push play, and put forth your best efforts, you HAVE to succeed. There is no failure. If you start out only being able to do a couple of push ups, at the end of 90 Days, your going to be able to do close to 100. If you started on your knees, by the end of 90 days, you'll be doing big boy push ups.

That's where my journey started. Today, I'm in my second round of 90 Days. And I'm absolutely and totally addicted. My Arms, Shoulders, and Back have never been stronger. Those lower back problems.....Thing of the past. WHY....because I keep pushing play. Tony Horton's methodology of muscle confusion, is by far the best workouts I've ever seen. Sure I've lifted weights along the way, but NEVER to this degree. Never in such a regimented fashion. You will succeed! GUARANTEED!

And what about that little thing called running. For the record, I'm now doing doubles. I get up at 4am, and head out the door at 5am for a morning run. In the evening, I put the workout clothes on and get bizzay with a little P90X.

If your interested in learning more about P90X, feel free to drop me a line. My lower back is living proof that Tony Horton knows what he's doing!!!