Okay..so when I looked at my schedule last night, I totally underestimated today's workout....I wasn't even in the same ball park with regards on degree of difficulty. I haven't blogged this week because I haven't really run much. Last week I managed to do something, and I'm not sure actually where I'm injured. I can't tell if it's a tweaked groin or abdominal strain..All I know is that I get a cramp just to the right of my belly button, and it showed up last Thursday. Thursday I blew it off as a cramp because I had drank a bottle of water on the way to my workout that I don't normally do. But it was there on Saturday, and Sunday was absolutely painful. I guess lets start there. That was a long an tough workout. 6 miles at a brutal effort. 2x800, 2x2mile, and 2x800. I toed the line and had a pace that I'm supposed to run, and I hit those goals. ran a 6:40 average pace on all of the 800s and a 7:15 pace on the 2 miles. I was actually kind of shocked.....Especially on the 2 mile segments. That's where whatever is wrong seems to hurt.
So onto Sunday....Pain....Pain....and more Pain.....I was slow.....and I even had to stop at one point. I only got in 5.5 miles, which wasn't good....And I just wasn't feeling it. So, being the smart engineer that I am....I decided that two days rest would be best....I did that, and went for a nice easy jog on Tuesday....Whatever the problem is....It's still there, but it doesn't seem to be as bad and piercing. So with that, I figured today would be a good workout to come back to the group....especially after I looked at the workout... 8x30sec, 8x45sec, and 8x30sec all with a 60 second rest..Heck...that's only 14 minutes of hard effort...allllll righty then....what I didn't realize is that the goal of the workout is 14 minutes of SPRINTING......
Yes.....These were up tempo, all out sprints. I did manage to get through them, and I was running a large majority of my sets at a 5:40ish pace. That is sprinting for me. Even more so, I was shocked to see the mileage when we were done....according to Dr. Garmin, we just did 4.42 miles. And there wasn't a LOT of movement going on during the 1 min off segments....we're talking a reallllllly slooooooow.......almost walking jog......In fact...I think I've seen elderly peeps with walkers moving quicker. But that's what's necessary to keep that kind of up tempo effort....It was crazy. As for the pain....I think I was in pain in so many other areas, that I didn't really notice it. I do feel it a bit now, but it's not like it was this past weekend....hopefully whatever it is gets better....and QUICK!