Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Power of X

What is the Power of X. Well, to me, it's building muscle like CRAZY!!! I cannot wait to post pictures of my adventures in X. Yesterday I finished up Shoulders and Back for the last time this round. My push/pull segment is complete. Next week is all push, all pull. I wanted to go through my completed workout logs that I fill out as I go along. To see where I've come is absolutely astonishing. I've gained almost 3" in my arms, 8 pounds of muscle, and an amazing doubling of the weights that I'm lifting. To me, that's absolutely MIND BLOWING! I never in any of my wildest dreams thought that I would have that kind of successes.

And who would have ever thought that I could go out and run for an hour AND then go to work all day long, and then come home and BRING IT TO COMPLETE exhaustion on shoulders and back. Not only that, I set new records on almost every exercise. I'm hoping to take pics very soon. I keep saying that, but I think I'm going to hold out and unleash the pics when my Round 2 90 days are up.

Keep pushing play, and go get your Yoga X on today boys and girls!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fall Weather and Coming to the End of Another Phase

Well, as with all goo things, they must come to an end. When I did Chest and Back yesterday for my P90X workout, I realized that I had completely filled out every line on the log sheet. That meant, that I will not see that workout for quite some time. I was officially on Day 162 yesterday. That puts me with 18 days left until I start my phase 3 journey. Most people take the step and do a hybrid of Insanity and P90X. Me....I just thought that was well.....Insane. Although, my next adventure through P90X will be I guess my own version of Insanity. Basically, I'm going to take everything I've learned and employed over the past several months, and create a Marathon Training plan that not only includes miles out the wazoo....But put in there the strength training that my body is gong to need to sustain the level of effort I want to accomplish.

It's said that we learn from our mistakes. Well, if that's true, then I should be a freakin' genius when it comes to making mistakes in any running plan. I've done everything wrong. I've upped my mileage too quickly. I've left out strength training all together. I've over trained for a marathon and came down with bronchitis the week before, and eventually was pulled out by race officials after 14 miles. I've under trained for the marathon and watched in horror and agony as it chewed me up and spit me out. Well, now it's time to take all those life's lessons, along with some amazing marathon workouts, and meld them together with some P90X and doubles. I can truly say that my body IS ready this time. After 180 days of Tony Hortons masterful workouts, my body is strong and ready for my next challenge. And what is that challenge you ask??? Well, the title of my blog says it all.......QUALIFY FOR THE BOSTON MARATHON!!!

As for my running today. Chock up another 6 miles at a nice easy pace. When I first went out there, my mindset was to just get 3.5 miles in. But then, at the turn off point, I made the decision to to the entire big loop. And it was the right decision. Fall is a beautiful time here in the Southern Arizona desert southwest. There as no way I was going to let the opportunity of running in this amazing weather slip away. And that my friends, was me pushing play for the day. Well......Until I get home this afternoon to bang out Shoulders and Arms!!! BOO YAH!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Great week of training!!

This past week I have to say I've made some serious mental and physical gains! For one, becoming a Team BeachBody coach has really pushed me to put forth just that much more effort in every single workout. Bring it to a whole new level that even I didn't think was possible! And so, this past week, I pushed play AND managed to get in quite a few miles of running! Here's a recap....

Monday: 6 mile morning run, Chest and Triceps (push to the ULTIMATE extreme), & AB Ripper X
Tuesday: 6 mile run
Wednesday: Shoulders and Arms (Pull baby PULL) & Ab Ripper X
Thursday: Yoga X
Friday: 3 mile run
Saturday: 6 mile run
Sunday: 7 mile run

For those keeping score, that's a total of 28 miles of running (just under 5 hours of cardio) and 3 hours and 45 minutes of P90X! Total of almost 9 hours of fat shredding, calorie burning workouts! And I'm excited to say that this is only the beginning of great things to come!!!! And as for the P90X workouts. I really enjoy going back and looking over the workout sheets. To see how far I've really come. To see that I started out with 15 pound dumbells for curls, and to see me now doing curls using 30 pound weights is AMAZING. In fact, my goal for next weeks Biceps workout.....Start the strip set with 30 pound dumbells! Think about it....that's DOUBLING your load in just 90 days! Mind blowing if you ask me. And here's the kicker. I'm starting to notice something.......Under that layer of what used to be fat around my belly.....THERE'S ACTUALLY ABS UNDER THERE!!! Just a few weeks ago I tweet'd that I didn't know if I would ever LOVE AB Ripper X. Well....I'm getting closer and closer to actually loving it as my second 90 days comes to a close. I wanted to get some pictures taken yesterday, but life passed me by, and to be honest I just wasn't feeling it. My run yesterday was pretty tough. 4.5 miles into it, I started having acid reflux issues and wicked bad heartburn! New coffee pre-run, way too acidic. But, after this mornings recovery run, I feel great, and I will get them taken either tonight or tomorrow.

Speaking of this mornings recovery run, I already have 6 miles in the books. When I get home, I'm going to bust out Chest and Shoulders. It's push pull week, so there should be a whole lot of muscle confusion goodness going on!

And for those interested, make sure you head over to my Team BeachBody coaching page. You can get there by going to: There you can learn about the P90X training program which includes their full nutrition plan. You can also click on the link to the side of this very blog your reading now! And if you want a complete nutrition solution, click on the product link and learn more about the Results and Recovery formula. It's just what the Dr. ordered for feeding your muscles after the P90X workouts. I know it's helped my in being able to bring it the next day, and it's taste is AMAZING! You can also learn about Shakeology. When you couple Shakeology with P90X.....You're going to see amazing results!!! It's the complete nutritional solution when paired together!!!

Keep pushing play!!