Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The thanksgiving week....pour it on....

And I'm not talking gravy....Well at least not until Thursday when it's mandetory to eat 8 cups of gravy! I'm talking about miles. I'm going out for a new all time high. The Big 5-0....50 miles. And this is the perfect week to get 'er done....That is if the rain holds off. BUT.....The training plan is top priority. I've got rain gear to keep my for the most part dry....And once you start sweating, you're all wet anyways right???

Today started of the week with 16x400. I ended up running these predominantly by myself. I started off with the marathon training group although they were doing a different workout. The rest of the group was only doing 6x400 since they will all be racing on Thursday. So since I started out by myself, I was basically alone at the end of the first set. That meant, I didn't have my usual paces out there, so I set my goal to hold each of the 16 sets at around 1:45. And so I did! And to be honest, even though my legs were feeling great, my head was full of this wicked congestion that reared it's ugly head at about 1am as the front rolled through. It has to be weather related. There really isn't any other excuse. I did manage to exhume most of it during my run, and on my 45 second off periods. So it's probably a good thing that I was running by myself. Didn't need to collect any collateral damage by an errant snot rocket. You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose.....but in no way is it ever good to pick your friends nose. And it's even more important to keep those snot rockets to yourself. :)

In all, I got the 5.25 miles that I was hoping for after the warm-up and cool down run back to the car. Now, tomorrow I've got my eyes set on 7 or 7.5 miles. My meeting that I asked to be pushed to 6:30 on Wednesday starting in December, actually got pushed starting tomorrow...that's a whole week ahead of schedule. That gives me an extra 30 mins to get in my miles. So I'm thankful for that.

I'm also tahnkful that I get to eat whatever I want on Thursday and not have to worry about it. I need to fuel my body properly, and that doesn't mean just water, that means fuel. I'm only 3 pounds away from my initial weight target of 175. From there, I start the next ramp up in training to work my weight down to 165 by marathon day in late January or ealry February. The jury is still out on wether or not I'll be able to run on the 18th. See, that happens to be the NFC Championship game, and if all goes well, and the Cardinals work that deep into the playoffs, there's a possiblility of hosting the game in Phoenix. Which means, I'm going to have my hands full tailgating and celebrating something thats NEVER BEEN DONE by this team. That's a long ways out, and many things have to happen.....And the Cardinals don't control their own desinty in that respect. BUT.....I won't really know until the week or two before....So, you train like you're going to race that day, and if you don't you schedule a backup. So, in the meatime...I'm just going to put in mile after mile.

And with that, it's time to get some work done, and get ready for tomorrows run. LIVESTRONG and Train Hard!

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