And the hits just keep on coming! Today was another tough workout. 4x1000 (30seconds) 3 min rest 4x1000(30 seconds). Looking at it on the spreadsheet, you just say to yourself...It's only hard could it be? Well, after the third 1000, you realize...dang...this is hard. Especially with very little time to recover your breath.
My goal for today was to run them even. It had been a while since I had run the 1K intervals, so I didn't really have a goal time until after the first couple were in the books. Once I settled into a pace, I targeted 4:35 per 1K set as my goal. And I didn't stray too far off that for the entire workout. Surprising considering I basically ran the last 4 all alone seeing as the marathon racers this weekend only had to do the first set. Us non-racing slackers got double duty today, and there were only 3 of us on the course for round 2. But, I held my own and kept them nice and consistent. You can't ask for much more then that, especially after a 16 miler 2 days ago. And speaking of that I was a wee bit sore in my calves when I wok up today. I'm sure it's because of the length of Sundays run is something I haven't experienced in a while, but once I got going there was no complications to worry about.
And with that I was able to add another 6.25 miles to the log. That's double what I had at this point last week, so I'm in a good spot to get that increase from 43 that I've been searching for. Tomorrows a nice easy 1:15 jog through the neighborhood. It's going to be used to just clea out some of the junk in my legs, and get them fresh for the quarters on Thursday. Saturday will be the big test that I'm looking for. It's a 30 minute tempo, so I get to see how much closer I get to that elusive Walgreens stop!
Until tomorrow, Train Hard and LIVESTRONG!
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