Monday, February 28, 2011

P90X: 42 Days to Go

That's right, here I stand typing this blog entry with just 42 days to go to meet my ultimate goal of being not only fit in body, but in mind. Last week was an amazing week. It was my first week of Doubles on 3 days of workouts. On Sunday, I did a nice 5.6 mile run in the morning, and after nice mid afternoon rest session, I did a hard legs, back and AB Ripper X session. I have to admit. Where I am in this 90 day session doesn't even compare to the last. I probably sound like a broken record. But, I am 100% convinced, that my attention to detail on my diet plan has made this the success that it has been to this point. I've built some nice meal muscle, and I'm excelling at every workout that I have been doing. I'm treating the food I intake on a daily basis as fuel, and not just food.

With that, I do have a small confession to make. This past weekend, I cannot honestly say that I did a great job on my nutrition plan. Not that I totally went off the wagon, but I didn't eat the way I should have. Friday night, we took the boys out for their 12th birthday to the restaurant of their choice. They chose a buffet. Well, I did eat too much. Plain and simple. And when we got home, I had birthday cake. Definitely not "Doing" your Best.......I totally forgot the rest. I was a little bit better on Saturday, but even there, healthy choices were replaced with higher fat options. I was planning on smoking a turkey that my inlaws had brought with them, but due to the high winds of a storm system that rolled through, I ended up cooking it inside and lining it with bacon. I gave in to my inner Emeril and Pork Fat won out. And then there was the wine with dinner. I hadn't had alcohol Since Jan 2nd. My tolerance was GONE. Not that that's a bad thing. I'll say this, I was KNOCKED out and slept like a rock Saturday night. I slept until almost 8am. I haven't done that in FOREVER!!! Sunday I was a LOT better, getting back to my "normal" eating plan. I only took in about 1800 calories, and by the end of the day was craving a Yoga Session.

So, I popped in Yoga X and got my groove on. First off, let me say WOW! I hadn't done Yoga in a while. It's not been a normal part of my plan due to the fact I need to do it on Mon, Wed or Friday. I just don't have an hour and a half on those days. I did it at the beginning of this round on Sundays, but that got overtaken by my long runs and double workouts. So I was really missing it to say the least. It's hard WORK! Normally in my workout room, it's usually about 70 degrees. Yesterday, it was about 55ish. Our high was only in the mid 40s which is really out of the norm. Shoot, it snowed overnight. That's totally abnormal for the desert southwest, especially here. What I noticed as I went through the workout is how many people complain about the length. I just laugh at that. Do you realize that when you do one of the weight workouts and Ab Ripper X your doing an hour and 15 minutes. Well, Yoga is really only 15 minutes longer. And the really hard portion of it is really only like an hour long, and it's 30 minutes of stretching. It's the Yin to the Yong as Tony describes it. Also like Tony, balance postures are not my thing. But I keep trying to do them, and I get better each and every time. Finally, I managed to do wheel for a full 30 seconds. I have never lasted that long. My Abs ALWAYS gave out. My new goal is to get through the FULL minute with the leg raise. And, oh, when I decide to put my mind to it, I will get it done! To me, failure is NOT an option.

With 6 weeks to go today, I am rolling into this rest week. I threw down a LOT of calories and sweat last week. My goal this week is to match the number of miles I ran last week, but the running courses change. Time to add in some hills. Today, Paul and I changed the route we run. The normal 3.5 mile loop is flat. Today, we went two mile straight out on the new Twin Peaks Rd. Straight uphill for two miles. Nice downhill on the way back. Each time we hit it, we're going to extend the run. I want to get use to the point where we are 3 mile up the hill and 3 back. Paul may not like that plan, but hey, he's going to have to suck it up. :) So, this is the "rest" that all of us in P90X have come to love. Enjoy the extra Yoga sessions, get your Core Synergistics on, and up the mileage. That's my recipe for success. GAME ON!!!!


John Cowart said...

Dude! Thanks for this. Hey man, that's life. You survived and didn't stop pushing forward. THATS HOW WINNING IS DONE!


Anonymous said...

hi, good site very much appreciatted