Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A beautiful run!

So today was the first day of running with my running group since we've closed the store down. Our group, the grinders, is named after my coffee house (It's a Grind). Our motto is that you have to win the workout. Well, today I did just that. OK....Not on all three segments, but on 2 of the three. Today was a quick interval session of 2 sets of 3/4 mile, 1/2 mile, 1/4 mile repeats. Rests got shorter with the distance. 2 min, 90 sec, 60 sec. My goal times (which oddly enough weren't supplied to me from momma Michele) were based off of other runner in my group that I typically run with. I put myself with Paul and Rhonda's group who had target times of: 3/4M=5:30; 800=3:30; 400=1:42.

My 3/4 miles I crushed and ran the two sets in 5:22 and 5:24. I'll claim it, but there was a pretty good wind at our backs. But hey......Take the victories in life when they come, eh??

My 1/2 miles were back the other direction, and into the stiff headwind. Not too good on these one. I ran 3:46 and 3:50 on the two. I tried to do that little cycling trick of tucking behind some of the other runners, but they're smaller then me....so not much benefit there.

My 1/4 mile intervals were great. Ran 1:42 and 1:40 for the two sets. Still into the headwind, but I had someone pushing me to my upper limits on the last go around. Than you Steph for that motivation. You kick ass!

The morning pleasantries were a lot of question about how I'm doing and how sorry they were that we had to close the doors. I'll make it through this little period. I'm strong in that sense. I can compartmentalize things very well. So, even when times get tough on that future legal routes that we're going to have to go through, I know that I can put it to t he side. Strangely, mama Michele didn't say much. Not sure if she's upset or not about the closing, but we'll see where that goes. She's going to see a much better runner in me, not that I have more free time on my hand. :)

The excitement didn't hit until the jog back tot he car. Seems it's getting cold enough to bring out the slithering kind. The path that we jog on is black pavement. Gets nice and warm during the day, and the snake head there at night to keep themselves warm. No telling how long this little guy was there. Probably ran right by him when I was going to meet the group. It was dark then, and I DEFINITELY didn't see him then. I barely saw him with the morning light that was there. Glen shooed him off with a stick and tumbleweed as protection. The snake got really mad, curled up in to a protective mode, and struck at the bush a couple of times. But Glenn's seen the crocodile hunter play with snakes before.....About the only thing he didn't do was grab his tail. But Snake saved and all, he got him pushed back into the desert out of the way of walkers and joggers.

Hope everyone has a great day, and LIVESTRONG!

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