Monday, October 25, 2010

And down the stretch we come!!!!!

I am rapidly closing in on the end of my 2nd round of P90X. My journey has been one of resilience and strength. My first 90 days on my journey through P90X plus, there were a LOT of flaws. This round, I looked at the training plan and followed it to a T. I've hit every single planned workout, and replaced a few so that I could incorporate my love of running. As I've seen incredible gains, as I did just this past weekend, I felt a strength that I've never felt while out running. My Sunday long run, I planned a course that included some very serious hills. After the normal 3 mile route, I started making my way up the "Hill". Wade road is a gradual 1.5 mile long hill that peaks just towards the end of the run with a straight up beast of a hill. It's not the Mt. Lemmon marathon, but it's still nice and steep, and has always created a burn. Once at the very top, I get to make the right turn that's a long stretch of roller coaster style hills. Fall and roll down type steep on the down....seemingly steeper on the ups.....Once you've crested through roller coaster alley, I made the right hand turn for the nice easy dirt road decent back into the neighborhoods.

The thing about this course......It's advanced. It's the one that we normally run towards the end of marathon training. It's the one that proves you have the "it" factor. And yesterday I was amazingly STRONG!!! Normally, this is where I'd tell you how my back seized up. Normally I would tell you how I struggled but beat the hill. Yesterday was different. yesterday was 166 days in the making. Yesterday was all about RESOLVE. Resolve that I will NOT fall back into my old self ways. You know, that guy where you make the decision NOT to wake up at 4:15am when you alarm goes off for the morning run. Yah....Definitely not THAT guy. So much NOT that guy that I followed up yesterdays RUN with an AMAZING 6 mile run while my running partner snoozed his way to those old habits that I'm leaving behind.....

Life's all about the choices that you make every single day. Do you want to be STRONGER or do you want to sleep in and be soft. I choose to be stronger each and every day! There's NO WAY I'm going back to that 'old' life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent, you are really bringing it!
